WordPress by itself is pretty wonderful, but you might want more bells and whistles. That’s where WordPress Plugins come in to play. It took me a long time to realize that if I wanted something I should check out plugins. Because if I need it, somebody else does too.
- Do you want a pretty image gallery to show up on your pages? There are plugins for that.
- Do you want to add adsense so you can get revenue? There are plugins for that.
- Do you you want to add a plugin to remind you to feed your fish? You could probably have one written.
Recently I had the issue of how to remove pages from the top navigation in a wordpress theme, but keep them in the sidebar. Lots of people have that problem. So, I found a plugin that helps me. That lesson is much bigger than this post, and I’m going to show you how to fix that issue in a few videos in this lesson series on wordpress. If you have that problem, click here. (to come) Like anything in wordpress, it’s not hard. Think of plugins as adding and accessorizing your site. Be careful not to use too many, because it’s like cluttering up anyting. It can go too far. And, if you don’t find functionality you need in a plugin, don’t ignore having one written. You can get coders to do it reasonably, and then you can offer the plugin for free, or even for a nominal fee. There are plugins that everyone uses, and ones that are not so great, and you can tell that from the reviews. I’ve sometimes accidentally gotten two plugins that do the same thing (with analytics for google, I had two that did the same thing, but didn’t realize it for a month. No harm done, just one plugin too many.) So, simple, just think of added functionality. More options. Next Lesson 204. WordPress-What is a WordPress Widget?