Blogging was meant to be a web log. Not a tweet, not a facebook post, but more of a “Dear Diary”. There to read, but not to be imposed on people like the tweet about being at Starbucks, then going to the bathroom, then getting your latte.
I read a statistic that 90% of the tweets are generated by 10% of the users. Add Lindsey Lohan or whoever else to that, and you get a real multiplier.
Facebook is the same way now, I find that the people I really want to hear from, or that are more core friends of mine don’t post as much, and that the folks that post a lot tend to crowd out the real value of what I want to get from Facebook.
So the problem is, do I unfriend the ones that are basically using Facebook to tweet about their cats (when they should be using Twitter, anyway)? I don’t have the time or the heart to unfriend people, so I’ve opted to get off Facebook for a while to see if I really miss anything.
Like going without TV for a while, will I really miss it?
Blogging, well, that’s a discipline. A daily post to keep me going.
I’m more interested in the act of writing now. If people read it and find it helpful, then I am happy.
It’s just nice to do each day. Hope it helps.