I read a quote from Mark Twain about 3 years ago, and it captures how I would like to learn to live.
“I’ve have a horrible life, 99% of which never happened”
How Samuel Clemens could encapsulate in one sentence the irony of our bad thoughts-ridden brains is a thing of wonder.
He also said, “There is a release found in swearing, that is denied even to prayer”.
I have to explain that quote to some folks. And it offends the deeply religious.
99% of what I have ever worried about never happened. In fact, my life has gotten better each year. I’m fond of saying I don’t know what will happen, but it will be better and different than I can imagine.
Practicing meditation has taught me to get into the space between thoughts, not always well or constantly, but to make the effort to. If you can learn to shut off your thoughts with more practice, you simultaneously stop worrying and judging, both of which require seed thoughts.
Anyway, something to strive for.