Life Lessons – Rome was Not Built in a Day

Hi Guys, Mark here! Indeed Rome was not built in a day, and guess what, they had a lot of free help in the form of slaves. There is no sin, and indeed everything to gain in considering farming out, outsourcing or just plain getting help in building good web properties. Personally, I hate to write. I really do unless it’s this stuff I write now. I have writers I use all over the … Read More

Life Lessons – Fear, Fear, Always Fear

There is a fearsome predator marketing. It preys on fear, and preys on our desire to learn and not to act. And that predator is: The ability of a marketers to confuse you into thinking that their product is the best, that what you are doing is wrong! I get emails from folks that say “I realize I was doing it wrong and abandoned what I was doing” because I saw so and so’s … Read More

Life Lessons – Patience

I read years ago: don’t overestimate what you can do in a day or a week, but don’t UNDERESTIMATE what you can do in a year, or 6 months. I wanted to share this with you to remind you that what we do in Web Marketing is long term build and not a short term win. Build pages each day, brick by brick. And then, in a year look back. And by all means … Read More

Life Lessons – You Are it!

Web Master Marketer Michael Cheney said to me once: “The minute you start doing something you ARE that. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.” Meaning: You launch your first website to become a web marketer and YOU ARE NOW A WEB MARKETER! You are that, you work at it, you become that. You have begun. It means, I do it seriously and with INTENT. Are you a photographer or a person who takes photographs? … Read More

Tips – Never Underestimate the Baby Wipe

My Mother swore by baby wipes. She never left home without them. She always counseled us to have them, and NEVER to buy the brand name because the generic were just as good. Like the fact that she carried instant coffee in a zip lock bag in her purse (because she could not understand how people didn’t have coffee, even instant around their houses, so she cheerfully brought her own). She never left the … Read More

Wisdom – And Finally, Blogging

Blogging was meant to be a web log. Not a tweet, not a facebook post, but more of a “Dear Diary”. There to read, but not to be imposed on people like the tweet about being at Starbucks, then going to the bathroom, then getting your latte. I read a statistic that 90% of the tweets are generated by 10% of the users. Add Lindsey Lohan or whoever else to that, and you get … Read More

Life Lessons – What is Sales and Why do We Hate it so Much

One thing that I believe is that we are all NOT born salespeople. Some of us are better at it, and some of us, INCLUDING ME, hate it. Loathe it. Makes me feel as cheap as a sleazy used car salesman. My old Internet buddy Brian J. Johnson said to me once “we’re salesman, after all” and I cringed. I just had a bad association with it. But making good money on the internet … Read More

Life Lessons – What is Mistake Number 1?

I want to talk about what has for me become Mistake NUMBER 1. If you are starting a web marketing or niche marketing course, you WILL make it. I’m 100% confident. I just want the time you endure it to be short. What is Internet Marketing Mistake number 1? DILUTION. The best part, and worst part of our work as emerging internet marketing is that we can get into literally any niche we want. … Read More

Blogging – It’s the Content, Ever the Content

Hi guys Well, sometimes in this world you come full circle. Content, Content, Content is King. If you are an old hand at Internet Marketing, Web Publishing or Blogging, you should know by now that content rules. And without fail I have seen one thing on the web. If Your Content is not Helpful for People, YOU WILL FAIL. I think a general rule of life is that if you aren’t helpful, you’ll fail. … Read More

Wisdom – I Regret Missing an Opportunity to Stay Silent

The title of this post was a bit of wisdom I got from my wise friend, Jack. “The Italians say: I regret missing an opportunity to remain silent.” This dovetailed nicely with another bit of wisdom from a colleague: “You cannot be hurt by what you do not say” Put them together, and it’s a powerful combination. I wish I had just shut up sometimes. I’m better at that now. …

Wisdom – Don’t Fight the Phase

I’ve got a term I internally coined and don’t really share, until now. “Don’t fight the Phase” All things in life are phasic. Everything you go through, is a phase. Best not to fight it. Like a wave, better to try and ride it. Learn its boundaries, don’t make it bigger (or smaller) than it is, and ride it until it’s over. Let it transform you. By all means, find the peace and positiveness … Read More

WordPress – What is a WordPress Plugin?

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WordPress by itself is pretty wonderful, but you might want more bells and whistles. That’s where WordPress Plugins come in to play. It took me a long time to realize that if I wanted something I should check out plugins. Because if I need it, somebody else does too. Do you want a pretty image gallery to show up on your pages? There are plugins for that. Do you want to add adsense so … Read More

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