Life Lessons – Critical Step – Find a Teacher

In my last lesson, I talked about how if you start something, and intend to be it, you are IT from the moment you begin. Even though you are it, recognize that you need to learn more. To Master the IT. What is the best way to Master this field? I learned this the hard way: Anything you are becoming cannot be learned from a book, you need a teacher. Why? Because with a … Read More

Life Lessons – You Need a Friend to Give You Perspective.

Hi Guys, Mark here! I remember seeing “Silence of the Lambs” when Hannibal Lecter says to Jodi Foster “Read Marcus Aurelius, First rule — Simplicity! Ask of all things, what is it in itself? What is it’s nature?” I’ve had to do that lots of times in this business, and just yesterday I had a major problem with some sites I was working on. I could not see the problem, and called a friend … Read More

Wisdom – And Finally, Blogging

Blogging was meant to be a web log. Not a tweet, not a facebook post, but more of a “Dear Diary”. There to read, but not to be imposed on people like the tweet about being at Starbucks, then going to the bathroom, then getting your latte. I read a statistic that 90% of the tweets are generated by 10% of the users. Add Lindsey Lohan or whoever else to that, and you get … Read More

Blogging – Web Hospitality

Welcome! Do you know, what that word implies to me? WELCOME! It means, come in, be comfortable, find nourishment and company here. Find warmth, Hospitality and companionship. Be at home here. Why am I saying this? Because what  separates the good from the bad on the internet is CARE. “Web Hospitality” I’m not sure if that is an already coined word, but if not it’s copyrighted to me, Mark Singley 2010. I only found … Read More

Blogging – It’s the Content, Ever the Content

Hi guys Well, sometimes in this world you come full circle. Content, Content, Content is King. If you are an old hand at Internet Marketing, Web Publishing or Blogging, you should know by now that content rules. And without fail I have seen one thing on the web. If Your Content is not Helpful for People, YOU WILL FAIL. I think a general rule of life is that if you aren’t helpful, you’ll fail. … Read More

Life Lessons – The Aggravation Cost Story

When I first got to New York, I had never really worked anywhere aside from college part time jobs. My wife at the time had gotten a job, and I was going with her to New York. Frightening to say the least, but I was going to do it. I was the country boy that wasn’t going to go to New York, or maybe anywhere for that matter (maybe Baltimore) because I didn’t like … Read More

Life Lessons – What is Sales and Why do We Hate it so Much

One thing that I believe is that we are all NOT born salespeople. Some of us are better at it, and some of us, INCLUDING ME, hate it. Loathe it. Makes me feel as cheap as a sleazy used car salesman. My old Internet buddy Brian J. Johnson said to me once “we’re salesman, after all” and I cringed. I just had a bad association with it. But making good money on the internet … Read More

Life Lessons – Taskcrastinating

“TASKCRASTINATING” I coined this term about 10 years ago. The process of allowing oneself to be drawn into tasks that seem important and are seemingly essential to something but in actuality are a way of stalling actually doing the work. It’s a form of distraction that feels productive. I’ve been there. You know what I do? I set the stove timer for 20 minutes and then force myself to do the things that I … Read More

Life Lessons – Niche Marketing is like French Bread

Hi Guys, Mark here! Building niche sites is a lot like French Bread. For years, the fantastic, traditional artisan made baguette was deteriorating due to being mass produced. The wonderful symbol of the french diet, with it profound craftsmanship was dying. There were even billboards around Paris saying EAT BREAD OR THERE WON’T BE ANY, meaning support your local bakery or it will go belly up. So guess what. THEY WERE ABLE TO MASS … Read More

Life Lessons – Occam’s Razor-Why it Matters

What is Occam’s Razor? Wikipedia has it as …The principle is popularly interpreted as “the simplest explanation is usually the correct one”… Occam’s Razor is attributed to the 14th-century English logician, theologian and Franciscan friar William of Ockham who wrote “entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity” PUT SIMPLY: If you are tired, you probably need Sleep If you are hungry, you probably need to eat If the car is puttering to a stop, … Read More

Life Lessons – Patience

I read years ago: don’t overestimate what you can do in a day or a week, but don’t UNDERESTIMATE what you can do in a year, or 6 months. I wanted to share this with you to remind you that what we do in Web Marketing is long term build and not a short term win. Build pages each day, brick by brick. And then, in a year look back. And by all means … Read More

Wisdom – Don’t Fight the Phase

I’ve got a term I internally coined and don’t really share, until now. “Don’t fight the Phase” All things in life are phasic. Everything you go through, is a phase. Best not to fight it. Like a wave, better to try and ride it. Learn its boundaries, don’t make it bigger (or smaller) than it is, and ride it until it’s over. Let it transform you. By all means, find the peace and positiveness … Read More

WordPress – What is Theme?

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In the OLDEN days of the web, we had to hard code html for our pages, and if we wanted a website, we had to copy the look and feel of the site over and over so the pages looked consistent. Then we got various programs like Dreamweaver, Adobe Golive, etc that really allowed us to organize and template the sites we were building. But they were clunky, and it was hard to do … Read More

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