Life Lessons – You Need a Friend to Give You Perspective.

Hi Guys, Mark here! I remember seeing “Silence of the Lambs” when Hannibal Lecter says to Jodi Foster “Read Marcus Aurelius, First rule — Simplicity! Ask of all things, what is it in itself? What is it’s nature?” I’ve had to do that lots of times in this business, and just yesterday I had a major problem with some sites I was working on. I could not see the problem, and called a friend … Read More

Wisdom – Don’t Fight the Phase

I’ve got a term I internally coined and don’t really share, until now. “Don’t fight the Phase” All things in life are phasic. Everything you go through, is a phase. Best not to fight it. Like a wave, better to try and ride it. Learn its boundaries, don’t make it bigger (or smaller) than it is, and ride it until it’s over. Let it transform you. By all means, find the peace and positiveness … Read More

Tips – Never Underestimate the Baby Wipe

My Mother swore by baby wipes. She never left home without them. She always counseled us to have them, and NEVER to buy the brand name because the generic were just as good. Like the fact that she carried instant coffee in a zip lock bag in her purse (because she could not understand how people didn’t have coffee, even instant around their houses, so she cheerfully brought her own). She never left the … Read More

Life Lessons – Fear, Fear, Always Fear

There is a fearsome predator marketing. It preys on fear, and preys on our desire to learn and not to act. And that predator is: The ability of a marketers to confuse you into thinking that their product is the best, that what you are doing is wrong! I get emails from folks that say “I realize I was doing it wrong and abandoned what I was doing” because I saw so and so’s … Read More

Wisdom – I Regret Missing an Opportunity to Stay Silent

The title of this post was a bit of wisdom I got from my wise friend, Jack. “The Italians say: I regret missing an opportunity to remain silent.” This dovetailed nicely with another bit of wisdom from a colleague: “You cannot be hurt by what you do not say” Put them together, and it’s a powerful combination. I wish I had just shut up sometimes. I’m better at that now. …

Life Lessons – What is Really Important, Anyway

Hi Guys, Mark here! I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what is really important. Money? Time? For me, the past two months have been my mother. She’s developed a bit of dementia, and we’ve had to move her to assisted living. If you’ve ever had to do that you know how hard it is. Luckily, she’s thriving, and well cared for. And the time I’ve spent becoming successful online has paid off in … Read More

Wisdom – I’d Rather be Smart than Right

Hi Guys, Mark here! I’ve learned a valuable lesson, or insight that has occurred to me in the past 6 months: There are lots of people out there who will fight tooth and nail to be RIGHT. Even if they are wrong, reckless and just downright stupid. They have to be right at all costs. They wear me out. I fight to be Smart. Even if I appear wrong, or if I risk being … Read More

WordPress – What is WordPress Anyway?

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You know, I could not wrap my head around what wordpress was and why we should use if for several years. I got to this dashboard that you are in now, got totally befuddled, and ran back to Dreamweaver with all of it’s clunky and hair pulling out problems. WordPress is much easier, far far easier. If you are new to it you just need to understand a few things about how it works … Read More

Wisdom – A Quote I Want to Live By

I read a quote from Mark Twain about 3 years ago, and it captures how I would like to learn to live. “I’ve have a horrible life, 99% of which never happened” How Samuel Clemens could encapsulate in one sentence the irony of our bad thoughts-ridden brains is a thing of wonder. He also said, “There is a release found in swearing, that is denied even to prayer”. I have to explain that quote … Read More

Life Lessons – The Aggravation Cost Story

When I first got to New York, I had never really worked anywhere aside from college part time jobs. My wife at the time had gotten a job, and I was going with her to New York. Frightening to say the least, but I was going to do it. I was the country boy that wasn’t going to go to New York, or maybe anywhere for that matter (maybe Baltimore) because I didn’t like … Read More

Life Lessons – Patience and Oreo Cookies

Hi Guys, Mark here! I was listening to National Public Radio yesterday and they have a new study out where they found a correlation between 4 year old kids and their ability to wait to eat a marshmallow, and their later success in life. Essentially, a large group of kids was tested give a Marshmallow and asked to wait as long as they could before eating it. Years later they located the kids again, … Read More

Blogging – Web Hospitality

Welcome! Do you know, what that word implies to me? WELCOME! It means, come in, be comfortable, find nourishment and company here. Find warmth, Hospitality and companionship. Be at home here. Why am I saying this? Because what  separates the good from the bad on the internet is CARE. “Web Hospitality” I’m not sure if that is an already coined word, but if not it’s copyrighted to me, Mark Singley 2010. I only found … Read More

Life Lessons – Occam’s Razor-Why it Matters

What is Occam’s Razor? Wikipedia has it as …The principle is popularly interpreted as “the simplest explanation is usually the correct one”… Occam’s Razor is attributed to the 14th-century English logician, theologian and Franciscan friar William of Ockham who wrote “entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity” PUT SIMPLY: If you are tired, you probably need Sleep If you are hungry, you probably need to eat If the car is puttering to a stop, … Read More

Life Lessons – You Are it!

Web Master Marketer Michael Cheney said to me once: “The minute you start doing something you ARE that. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.” Meaning: You launch your first website to become a web marketer and YOU ARE NOW A WEB MARKETER! You are that, you work at it, you become that. You have begun. It means, I do it seriously and with INTENT. Are you a photographer or a person who takes photographs? … Read More

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